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Showing posts from August, 2017

My Why, Your Why, and Why we Should Ask Why

Written by: Blake Costalupes After writing a series of blog posts for my Talent Development class at Fresno State University, I decided that the idea of a platform where coaches can learn and discuss topics related to what they love (assuming thats coaching), would be something worth continuing... So here it is. And "Who am I?" you're probably asking. Great question. My name is Blake Costalupes. I am soon entering my last semester at Fresno State, where I am earning a master's degree in Sport and Performance Psychology. Along the way I have gained a great interest in why people do what they do. What drives the best to be the way they are? Is it an inherent talent? Is it teachable? Coachable? So here in lies my why: I want to help others discover their purpose for doing what they do. I want to help others to be the best version of themselves possible, and in turn to help others help those around them to do the same. Disclaimer:   Now, in no way am I an expert in